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After hydration and good nutrition, your body needs to move to get those vital fluids flowing and to keep your muscles and joints flexible and strong.

So... shake your bootie!

If you don’t move your body, it will lose several of its learnt abilities.

I went through a period in my life when I had to be in bed rest for many months. Everything was done in bed, and I could not even sit down. All I could do was lay down, belly up, or turn to my right or left sides.

When I was finally allowed to get out of bed, I had lost the ability to sit down. Nurses tried to put me in a wheel chair to move me around and I kept fainting. My body had to be retrained to stay awake in the sitting position. Needless to say that I had also lost the ability to walk!  So, next, I had to work with physical therapists to re-learn how to walk.

What I went through is an extreme situation, however a watered-down version of this is to experience movement limitations.

Like with any other machine, your body needs to move to continue working well.

Key to mental health, exercising will also boost your mood and self-esteem.

Get clear about your preferred way to move your body. Remember to be loving to yourself and make a choice that feels good to you, and in a way that also brings pleasure and joy to your soul.

I have never been a gym kind of person. But I have always loved sports like skating, and dancing, and jumping on a trampoline! I also like a refreshing walk in nature or on the beach. Those have always been my elected choices over doing repeat exercises at a gym. It makes sense to me to move my body in a fun way that brings me pleasure.

Our beings respond well to pleasure, and it will be easier to stick to an exercise routine that you feel happy about and brings you joy.

Part of being comfortable in your own skin comes from finding pleasurable ways to relate to your body. Including how you move or exercise it.

What are some of the things you enjoy?

When you are clear about your preferred ways of moving your beautiful body, then go back to it slowly.  Be gentle with yourself, specially if you have not exercised in a while.

Your amazing body is the vehicle that allows your spirit to move around with freedom on planet Earth. Keep that machine ‘well oiled’ and vigorous so that you can fully enjoy your life while you are still here.

Choose consciously...

Besides consciously moving your body in pleasurable ways, also consider choosing real healing over the magic pill. This is key to being truly healthy. 

There are some truly amazing healing systems and practitioners who have the ability to tap into and address the cause of ailments. They may be able to help you heal from the inside out, so that you can get back and stay in the land of healthy as your natural state of being. Just as nature intended.

However, have in mind that going back to nature can be a very intensive game plan, specially depending on how far away you've come from it. So, be gentle with yourself and implement these suggestions slowly.

Being healthy, basically boils down to cultivating good habits that promote wellness. It takes time, effort and persistence to build something that is truly valuable. Just keep moving forward, one baby step at a time. From dis-ease back to ease.

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About Renata Souza

An Integrative Energy Medicine practitioner and instructor, Renata has been helping clients successfully overcome diverse wellness issues for over 20 years.



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